
Coreline Jam: Champions 4th of July Snapshots

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Although CHIMERA had come dangerously close to taking control of the world once and for all, the heroes they had let escape, had, after managing to gain their second wind, along with one of the dark alliance’s own super soldier Kasumi clones who had defected, managed to break the group apart and save the world from their tyranny, freeing their prisoners and toppling its leaders.

But despite the chaos of the worldwide attack, and the reconstruction efforts afterwards, life went on, and it was soon time for the Fourth of July once more upon the Core Timeline. Like many other heroes, it was a time the Champions were on high alert, for something about holidays tends to draw out the supervillains, crazies, and all around drama. If you don’t believe me, just look at how many times Christmas has been saved.

Thus, the Champions, the group funded by Stingray Industries, with branches all over the US, tried, like most heroes do, to do as much as their celebrating as they could in the days immediately preceding the Fourth in order to make sure that they got their festivities with the rest of the team, and/or their other friends and loved ones, in at all. The following are glimpses of some of those moments…


Korra sat on a blanket in a Central Park clearing, leaning against a snoozing Naga while watching her Pichu, Eevee, Ditto and Mawile playing together, chasing after a large ball. Not far away, Blaziken and Lucario were grilling to compliment the other food Korra had brought for the picnic, and the food Katara, Storm and Mana would bring with them after their patrol was done.


Kasumi tackled the purse-snatcher she had been chasing, if one could technically call her quick dash down the alley a “chase”. In seconds, his hands were behind his back and restrained, and she had tied him to a pole while she returned the purse, well, more of a satchel really, to its owner and called the police.

Once that had been settled, she finished her patrol with Hikari with no other problems, and promptly started to head back towards Stronghold. Mari was coming with some of her team to the cookout, and the captain had promised to introduce her to some Fourth of July traditions she promised the clone would love. She was especially looking forward to “corn on the cob”.


Roger Hackett sat on a blanket (rhyme not intended), watching the fireworks, the projection body of his girlfriend, the digital were-cheetah known as Brittany Diggers, laying beside him. They had had a LONG day, but even if they were called in on another emergency almost immediately, which they thankfully weren’t, it would have been worth it for that time together.


Turnot and Karin gazed at the force of super-powered teenage clones of the founding fathers (and a few other famous Americans) that they had stumbled upon, their minds controlled by a Mad Mod alt and some other British villains, in an attempt to reclaim America as a colony. They were outnumbered, and backup was still minutes away. They grinned together and leaped into battle, for what more would they like on a holiday?

These are only a small portion of such scenes, but why not imagine them up yourself? Bye...
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